Recent Publications
Below you will find recent scholarly journal articles authored or co-authored by our esteemed faculty.
*Names in bold represent Criminal Justice & Legal Studies faculty members
2021 Publications
Adams, C. D., & Boutwell, B. B. (2021). Using multiple Mendelian randomization approaches and genetic correlations to understand obesity, urate, and gout. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-11.
Baloch, N., & Jennings, W.G. (2021). Examining vocational rehabilitation services provided to incarcerated persons with disabilities. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 32(3), 268-283.
Boateng, F. D., & Campbell, C. (2021). Transitioning from victim to perpetrator: Testing direct and mediation effects. Journal of Family Issues
Boateng, F. D., & Darko, I. N. (2021). Perceived police legitimacy in Ghana: The role of procedural fairness and contacts with the police. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 65, 100458.
Boateng, F. D., & Dzordzormenyoh, M.K. (2021). Capital punishment in Brazil: Exploring factors that predict support for the death penalty. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice.
Boateng, F. D., Dzordzormenyoh, M. K., Adjekum-Boateng, N. S., & Nortey Darko, I. (2021). Substance use among students: Examining the effects of psychological problems and the five dimensions of personality traits. Deviant Behavior, 1-18.
Boateng, F.D., Hsieh, M., & Pryce, D.K. (2021). Police criminality: Nature and extent of crimes committed by female police officers. Police Quarterly.
Boateng, F. D., McCann, W. S., Chenane, J. L., & Pryce, D. K. (2021). Perception of immigrants in Europe: A multilevel assessment of macrolevel conditions. Social Science Quarterly, 102(1), 209-227.
Boateng, F.D., Pryce, D.K., & Hsieh, M. (2021). The criminal police officer: Understanding the etiology of police crime in U.S. Crime & Delinquency.
Boutwell, B. B., Clasen, M., & Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J. (2021). “We are legion”: Possession myth as a lens for understanding cultural and psychological evolution. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 15(1), 1.
Donner, C., Maskaly, J., Jennings, W.G., & Guzman, C. (2021). Using criminological theory to explain police misconduct: A state-of-the-art review. Policing: An International Journal, 44, 818-837.
Doss, D.A., Etter, G.W., McElreath, D.H., Rials, B., Gokaraju, B., & Standish, H. (2021). Examining the effects of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015: What were the impacts toward reducing cybercrime incidents? Journal of Gang Research.
Doss, D., Gokaraju, B., Tesiero, R., Taylor, L., McElreath, D., Hong, Q., Wang, X., Standish, H. & Hudgins, M. (2021). Enhancing course realism: Integrating federal crime data sets in a database management course. International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, 9(1).
Fenimore, D.F., Taylor, C., & Jennings, W.G. (2021). An exploratory social network analysis of the “invisible college” of experimental criminology and criminal justice scholarship in the Journal of Experimental Criminology, 2011-2020. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 32(2), 272-288.
Fini, M. A., Lanaspa, M. A., Gaucher, E. A., Boutwell, B., Nakagawa, T., Wright, R. M., … & Johnson, R. J. (2021). Brief report: The uricase mutation in humans increases our risk for cancer growth. Cancer & Metabolism, 9(1), 1-5.
Greenspan, R. L., & Loftus, E. F. (2021). Patterns in the use of best practices for eyewitness identifications in the field. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-21.
Greenspan, R. L., & Loftus, E. F. (2021). What happens after debriefing? The effectiveness and benefits of postexperimental debriefing. Memory & Cognition, 1-14.
Greenspan, R. L., & Loftus, E. F. (2021). Pandemics and infodemics: Research on the effects of misinformation on memory. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3(1), 8-12.
Jennings, W.G. (2021). Presidential address: Widening the net of education, research and scholarship, and service and community engagement in criminology and criminal justice. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 46(4), 577-585.
Jennings, W.G., Fenimore, D., Perez, N., & Bishopp, S. (2021). Examining the spatial distribution of crime by victim characteristics. Deviant Behavior, 42(5), 659-682.
Jennings, W.G., Powers, R., & Perez, N. (2021). A review of the effects of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on law enforcement. Violence Against Women, 27(1), 69-83.
Kavish, N., Bergstrøm, H., Narvey, C., Piquero, A. R., Farrington, D. P., & Boutwell, B. B. (2021). Examining the association between childhood cognitive ability and psychopathic traits at age 48. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(1), 81.
Kaiser, K. A., Keena, L., Piquero, A. R., & Howley, C. (2021). Barriers to inmate program participation in a private southern US prison. Journal of Crime and Justice, 44(2), 165-179.
Kenchel, J. M., Greenspan, R. L., Reisberg, D., & Dodson, C. S. (2021). “In your own words, how certain are you?” Post‐identification feedback distorts verbal and numeric expressions of eyewitness confidence. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(6), 1405-1417.
Kethineni, S., Frazier-Kouassi, S., Shigemoto, Y., Jennings, W.G., Cardwell, S., Piquero, A.R., Gay, K., & Sundaravadivelu, D. (2021). Protocol: Effectiveness of parent engagement programs to reduce truancy and delinquency: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17(3), e1189.
Lee, H. D., Boateng, F. D., Kim, D., & Maher, C. (2021). Residential stability and fear of crime: Examining the impact of homeownership and length of residence on citizens’ fear of crime. Social Science Quarterly.
McCann, W. S., & Boateng, F. D. (2021). An analysis of hate crime victimization amongst immigrants. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1-23.
McCann, W. S., Zhang, S., & Boateng, F. D. (2021). Immigrants, crime, and the American dream: Testing a segmented assimilation theory of crime. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0306624X21994061.
McElreath, L. S., McElreath, D. H., Doss, D. A., Etter, G. W., & Lindsley, A. (2021). The media, extremism and terrorism: An unintentional business relationship. Social Communication, 7(1), 82-89.
Novak, A. (2021). Trajectories of exclusionary discipline: Risk factors and associated outcomes. Journal of School Violence, 20(2), 182-194.
Novak, A., & De Francisco Lopes, V.* (2021). Child delinquency, ACEs, and the juvenile justice system: Does exposure to ACEs affect justice system experiences for children?. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 15412040211063129.
Novak, A., & Hartsell, E.*(2021). Does speed matter? The association between case processing time in juvenile court and re-arrest. Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Novak, A., & Krohn, M. (2021). Collateral consequences of school suspension: Examining the ‘knifing off’ hypothesis. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 46(5), 728-747.
Piquero, N.L., Piquero, A. R., Narvey, C., Boutwell, B., & Farrington, D. P. (2021). Are there psychopaths in white-collar jobs?. Deviant Behavior, 42(8), 979-992.
Piquero, A.R., Jennings, W.G., Jemison, E., Kaukinen, K.,& Knaul, F.M. (2021). Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Criminal Justice, 74.
Richards, T., Jennings, W.G., & Murphy, C. (2021). Risk and protective factors for batterer intervention treatment program attrition: How completers are distinct from no-shows and dropouts. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(15-16), 7531-7370.
2020 Publications
Adams, C. D., & Boutwell, B. B. (2020). Can increasing years of schooling reduce type 2 diabetes (T2D)?: Evidence from a Mendelian randomization of T2D and 10 of its risk factors. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-11.
Adams, C. D., & Boutwell, B. B. (2020). A Mendelian randomization study of telomere length and blood-cell traits. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-9.
Boateng, F. D. (2020). Legitimizing the judiciary: a Multilevel explanation of factors influencing public confidence in asian court systems. Asian Journal of Criminology, 15(4), 285-299.
Boateng, F. D., & Chenane, J. (2020). Policing and social media: A mixed-method investigation of social media use by a small-town police department. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 22(3), 263-273.
Boateng, F. D., Pryce, D. K., & Chenane, J. L. (2020). I may be an immigrant, but I am not a criminal: Examining the association between the presence of immigrants and crime rates in Europe. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22(3) 1105-1124.
Boateng, F. D., & Wu, G. (2020). Perception of police officer effectiveness in China: Does organizational support matter? The Police Journal, 93(3), 229-247.
Boutwell, B. B., & Adams, C. D. (2020). A research note on Mendelian randomization and causal inference in criminology: Promises and considerations. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-12.
Boutwell, B. B., Kavish, N., & Narvey, C. (2020). The efficacy, ethics, & pitfalls of stimulants for justice system involved individuals. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 116, 120-129.
Doss, D. A., McElreath, D. H., & Etter Sr, G. W. (2020). “Fluctuations of organizational social movement: Quantitatively examining a quarter-century of reported Animal Liberation Front (ALF) incidents versus Reported Earth Liberation Front (ELF) incidents. Journal of Gang Research, 28(1).
Dunkel, C. S., van der Linden, D., de Baca, T. C., Boutwell, B. B., Nedelec, J. L., & Petrou, P. (2020). The association of perceived neighborhood safety and inequality with personality. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 6(4), 354-366.
Greenspan, R.L., & Loftus, E. F. (2020). Eyewitness confidence malleability: Misinformation as post-identification feedback. Law and Human Behavior, 44(3), 194-208.
Helton, J. J., Nelson, E. J., Boutwell, B. B., Lewis, R. D., Rosenfeld, R., & Seon, J. (2020). Aggregate-level lead exposure and child maltreatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260520980390.
Hsieh, M. L., & Boateng, F. D. (2020). When women work at the iron cage: Gendered perceptions on workplace justice. Women & Criminal Justice, 30(6), 480-495.
Jeanis, M., Fox, B., Jennings, W.G., Perkins, R., & Liberto, A. (2020). Oooh she’s a little runaway: Examining the invariance of runaway trajectories and risk factors by gender.
Journal of Developmental & Life-Course Criminology, 6(4), 398-423.
Jennings, W.G., Hollis, M.E., & Fernandez, A.J. (2020). Deadly force and deadly outcome: Examining the officer, suspect, and situational context of officer-involved shootings.
Deviant Behavior, 41(8), 969-976.
Jennings, W.G., & Perez, N. (2020). The immediate impact of COVID-19 on law enforcement in the United States. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45, 690-701.
Jennings, W.G., Powers, R., & Bishopp, S. (2020). A longitudinal analysis of sexual assault incidents by race/ethnicity. International Journal of Criminal Justice, 1, 41-54.
Johnson, J. M. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic response at the University of Mississippi. Journal of Homeland Security Education, 10, 1-6.
Kaiser, K. (2020). An evaluation of successful program completions across types of problem-solving courts. Justice Evaluation Journal, 3(1), 54-68.
Kavish, N., Helton, J., Vaughn, M. G., & Boutwell, B. B. (2020). The association of externalizing and internalizing problems with indicators of intelligence in a sample of at-risk children. Intelligence, 80, 101448.
Lambert, E. G., Lanterman, J. L., Leone, M., Keena, L. D., Haynes, S. H., & May, D. (2020). Improving correctional staff perceptions of organizational justice. Corrections, 1-22.
Lee, H. D., Boateng, F. D., Kim, D., & Binning, C. (2020). Residential stability and trust in the police: An understudied area of police attitudinal research. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(1), 88-101.
Lee, Y., Kim, J., & Jennings, W.G. (2020). A longitudinal examination of the overlap between victimization and offending trajectories from a South Korean perspective. Journal of Criminal
Justice, 70.
Mann, G., Cafer, A., Kaiser, K., & Gordon, K. (2020). Community resilience in a rural food system: Documenting pathways to nutrition solutions. Public Health, 186, 157-163.
May, D., Lambert, E. G., Leone, M. C., Keena, L. D., & Haynes, S. H. (2020). Stress among correctional officers: An organizational justice approach.
McCann, W. S., & Boateng, F. D. (2020). An examination of American perceptions of the immigrant-crime relationship. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(6), 973-1002.
Nedelec, J. L., Boutwell, B. B., & Theocharidou, K. (2020). The intersection of individual differences, personality variation, & military service: A twin comparison design. Military Psychology, 32(5), 442-452.
Novak, A., & Benedini, K. (2020). Sibling separation and self-reported offending: An examination of the association between sibling placement and offending behavior. Children and Youth Services Review, 111, 1-9.
Novak, A., Poling, D.J., Muller, R., & Peyton, D.J. (2020). Gender differences in risk and protective factors among youth with EBD: Findings from the NLTS2. Behavioral Disorders, 46(1), 29-41.
Reynolds, T., Boutwell, B., Shackelford, T., Weekes-Shackelford, V., Nedelec, J., Beaver, K., Abed, M. (2020). Child mortality and parental grief: An evolutionary analysis. New Ideas in Psychology, 59, 1-17.
Richardson, G. B., & Boutwell, B. B. (2020). Decomposition of mean sex differences in alcohol use within a Genetic Factor Model. Behavior Genetics, 50(5), 320-331.
Rosa, M., Fox, B.H, & Jennings, W.G. (2020). Do developmental/life-course (DLC) risk factors equally predict sexual and non-sexual offending among at-risk youth? Sexual Abuse, 32(1), 55-78
Tanksley, P. T., Barnes, J. C., Boutwell, B. B., Arseneault, L., Caspi, A., Danese, A., … & Moffitt, T. E. (2020). Identifying psychological pathways to polyvictimization: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study of twins from the UK. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 16(3), 431-461.
Tielbeek, J.J., & Boutwell, B.B. (2020). Exploring the genomic architectures of health, physical traits and antisocial behavioral outcomes: A brief report. Front. Psychiatry 11:539
Walker, D. A. (2020). Vicarious victimization, negative emotions, and maladaptive coping: Investigating the role of violent peers. Violence and Victims.
Walker, D. A., & Cesar, G. T. (2020). Examining the “gang penalty” in the juvenile justice system: A focal concerns perspective. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 18(4), 315-336.
Webster, G. D., Smith, C. V., Orozco, T., Jonason, P. K., Gesselman, A. N., & Greenspan, R. L. (2020). Missed connections and embarrassing confessions: Using big data to examine sex differences in sexual omission and commission regret. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 15(3), 275-284.
Wu, G., Boateng, F. D., & Lang, X. (2020). The spillover effect of recreational marijuana legalization on crime: Evidence from neighboring states of Colorado and Washington state. Journal of Drug Issues, 50(4), 392-409.
Wu, G., Liu, J., Boateng, F. D., Cui, S., & Shuai, H. (2020). Do social bonds matter? Social control theory and its relationship to desistance from substance abuse in China. Journal of Drug Issues, 51(1), 50-67.
Xian, H., Boutwell, B., Reynolds, C. A., Lew, D., Logue, M., Gustavson, D. E., … & Franz, C. E. (2020). Genetic underpinnings of increased BMI and its association with late midlife cognitive abilities. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 6, 2333721420925267
2019 Publications
Boateng, F. D. (2019). Perceived police fairness: Exploring factors that influence perceptions of procedural fairness in Ghana. Policing & Society, 30(9), 985-997.
Boateng, F. D., & Hsieh, M. L. (2019). Explaining job satisfaction and commitment among prison officers: The role of organizational justice. The Prison Journal, 99(2), 172-193.
Boateng, F. D., & Kaiser, K. A. (2019). Trust and confidence in media and criminal justice institutions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,63(12), 2213-2233.
Boateng, F. D. & Howley, C. M. (2019) The verdict is in: how did they decide? Using drivers’ self-reported data to understand officers’ decision making during traffic stop encounters. Psychology, Crime & Law, 26(4), 402-417.
Boutwell, B., Mathias, C., & Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J.* 2020 “We Are Legion: Possession Myth as a Lens for Understanding Cultural & Psychological Evolution.” In press
Fenimore, D., Perez, N., & Jennings, W.G. (2019). Early risk factors for violence among Hispanic adolescents: Evidence from a systematic review. Aggression & Violent Behavior.
Haynes, S. H., May, D., Lambert, E. G., & Keena, L. D. (2019). An examination of the effects of personal and workplace variables on correctional staff perceptions of safety. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 1-21.
Hollis, M.E., Jennings, W.G., & Hankhouse, S. (2019). An outcome evaluation of a substance abuse program for probationers. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 44, 395-408.
Jennings, W.G. (2020). Editorial Introduction. “International developmental/life-course perspectives and research on sexual offending and sex offenders.” Sexual Abuse.
Jennings, W.G., Powers, R., & Bishopp, S. (2019). A longitudinal analysis of sexual assault incidents by race/ethnicity. International Journal of Criminal Justice, 1, 41-54.
Kaiser, K. A., & Rhodes, K. (2019). A drug court by any other name? A comparative analysis of specialized court programs. Law & Human Behavior, 43, 278-289.
Kaiser, K. A., & Reisig, M. D. (2019). Legal socialization and self-reported criminal offending: The role of procedural justice and legal orientations. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 35, 135-154.
Kavish, N., Bergstrøm, H., Piquero, A. R., Farrington, D. P., & Boutwell, B. B. (2019). The longitudinal association between resting heart rate and psychopathic traits from a normative personality perspective. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(3), 410-425.
Lambert, E., Keena, L., Haynes, S., May, D., Ricciardelli, R., & Leone, M. (2019). Testing a path model of organizational justice and correctional staff job stress. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Lambert, E., Keena, L., Leone, M., May, D., & Haynes, S. (2019). Wanting a fair work experience: Exploring the effects of distributive and procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment among staff working at an unusual southern prison. Social Science Journal.
Lambert, E. G., Haynes, S., Keena, L., May, D., Leone, M. (2019). Research note: The effects of organizational justice variables on job involvement among southern prison staff. Journal of Crime and Justice.
Lambert, E. G., Keena, L. D., Haynes, S. H., May, D., & Leone, M. C. (2019). Predictors of job stress among southern correctional staff. Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Lee, H. D., Boateng, F. D., Kim, D., & Binning, C. (2019). Residential stability and trust in the Police: An understudied area of police attitudinal research. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1-14
Liu, J., Wu, G., & Boateng, F. D. (2019). Does procedural fairness matter for drug abusers to stop illicit drug use? Testing the applicability of the process-based model in a Chinese context. Psychology, Crime & Law, 26(5), 507-526.
Mann, G., Bishop, T. U., Kaiser, K., & Cafer, A. (2019). College2Youth: Design of multidisciplinary interdisciplinary undergraduate research experience. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
McElreath, D., Etter, G., Doss, D. A., Mallory, S., McElreath, L., & Lindsley, A. (2019). The Ku Klux Klan today in Mississippi: Invisible or insignificant. Journal of Gang Research.
Roche, S., Fenimore, D., & Jennings, W.G. (2019). Trends in top journals in criminal justice and criminology. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 30, 551-566.
Walker, D. A., & Cesar, G. T. (2020). Examining the “Gang Penalty” in the Juvenile Justice System: A Focal Concerns Perspective. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice.
Walker, D., & Holtfreter, K. (2019). Teen pregnancy, depression, and substance abuse: The conditioning effect of deviant peers. Deviant Behavior.
Watson, D., Boateng, F. D., & Miles-Johnson, T. (2019). Legitimizing policing practices: a study of stakeholder perceptions of police trustworthiness, effectiveness and relationship with the community. Police, Practice, and Research,22(1), 623-639.
Wu, G. & Boateng, F. D. (2019). Viewing them with an eagle eye: A comparative assessment of police officers’ attitudes toward citizens in Ghana and China. Policing: An International Journal.
Below you will find recent books authored or co-authored by our esteemed faculty.
*Names in bold represent Criminal Justice & Legal Studies faculty members
2021 Publications
McElreath, D. H., Doss, D. A., Russo, B., Etter, G., Van Slyke, J., Skinner, J., … & Nations, R. (2021). Introduction to homeland security. CRC Press.
2020 Publications
Akers, R.L., Sellers, C., & Jennings, W.G. (2020). Criminological theories: Introduction, evaluation, and application. 8th edition. Oxford University Press.
Jennings, W.G., Perez, N., Delcher, C., & Wang, Y. (2020). Opioid prescribing rates and criminal justice and health outcomes. New York, NY: Springer.
McElreath, D.H., Doss, A., Russo, B., Corey, M., Van Slyke, J., Etter, G., Jensen, C., McElreath, L.S., Lindsley, A.M., Schulenberg, S.E., Nations, B., Wigginton, M., & Nations, J. (2020). Foundations of Emergency Management, 2nd Edition. Kendall Hunt Publishers.
2019 Publications
McCann, W. S., & Boateng, F. D. (2019). National Security and Policy in America: Immigrants, Crime, and the Securitization of the Border. Routledge.
Jennings, W.G., & Reingle, J. (2019). Criminological and criminal justice research methods. 2nd edition. Wolters Kluwer.